
Sunday 18 March 2012

Review of 21 Jump Street

Before I get started on this review, I must make it clear that I have never seen the TV series that the film was based on from the 80s, so I went into the cinema with a clear perspective, and I wasn't comparing it with what it was based on, seeing it as it is in front of me.

I have to begin with the fact that this movie was perfect! I cannot think of anything in particular that stands out as being wrong with it (at a push I could say that there was a shoot out that didn't look too good, but I think that was by design to make it look like shoot outs from the 80s TV show). What seems like a shocking revelation to me is that this is the second film I have seen this year which stars Channing Tatum (I do believe I may be becoming a fan, although I just have to think about 'Dear John' to go back to disliking him immensely); the film also stars Jonah Hill, whom I have always enjoyed watching on screen, I think is is a very good actor in the genre of comedy.

Since I cannot really fault the film, I will just state what I believe was good about it; for starters, it had a decent enough story (very 80s) which was backed up with a modern day high school setting and a updated humour. I particularly liked a certain scene near the beginning when they make fun of the fact that they have made a movie based on an 80s cop show (won't go too much into detail as to not ruin it). Tatum and Hill have a great chemistry on stage, you could actually picture them working together in the real world, which makes the experience all the more enjoyable. Also due to some really good pacing, a great score/soundtrack and constant flow of new laughs throughout the whole experience, as a member of the audience you never find yourself bored, or feel like they are using the same joke too much. However, I must stress that this movie, like for example, 'The Inbetweeners Movie', is one of those kinds where it is only really funny the first time round. So with that in mind, I would highly recommend seeing it in cinemas with a group of friends, because I don't think waiting to watch it on DVD will have the same effect (also don't rush out to buy it if you have already seen it, for the reason stated before).

All in all, it is an excellent film, with some great surprises (one extremely good surprise), great cast supported by a fulfilling tide of laughs. A solid 10/10. Best movie I've seen this year, so far.


  1. Hill and Tatum are great together here and add a lot to this film’s comedy but it’s just the way it is all written that makes it even richer. It’s making fun of those high school comedy conventions but at the same time, is inventing it’s own as it goes on. Great review. Give mine a look when you can.

  2. Thanks, you're my first comment on this blog lol I'll give yours a look and comment on it.
