
Saturday 11 August 2012

The Avengers 2 Has A Release Date!

'The Avengers Assemble' was the biggest money maker of the year, and a pretty darn awesome thing to watch. A sequel isn't just smart, but necessary. Rumours of a sequel were appearing as early as the opening weekend.

It has been confirmed that 'The Avengers 2' it set to be released on 1st May 2015. Which is soonish! I'm glad they're not taking forever to get the ball rolling again. What's interesting is that 'The Justice League' movie is also planned to come out that year (any bets DC wants to ride on the fame of 'The Avengers 2'?). Also some more amazing news: Joss Whedon has signed on to write and direct it! That is possibly the best news I'll hear in a while!

So in 2013 we have 'Iron Man 3' and 'Thor: The Dark World'. In 2014 we have 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' and 'Guardians of the Galaxy'. 'Ant-Man' is apparently due to start shooting near the end of this year and is also looking at a 2014 release date. This means that there is a chance that Ant-Man will be in 'The Avengers 2', and if Ant-Man is there, there is a pretty good chance that Wasp will be too. Lets not forget that on an unrelated (well still Marvel related) topic, 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' is set for a 2014 release. So we've got more than our fair share of Marvel over the next two years, with 2015 looking pretty empty with just 'The Avengers 2', but it is good to see that they're still doing all the preparation and not jumping straight into it.

There haven't been any posters or concept art released yet for 'The Avengers 2', but here's a look at the posters that were released for Marvel films at this years Comic Con.

 In Joss Whedon we trust!

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