
Friday 17 August 2012

What's Your Favourite Bourne Movie? (Poll Results)

After the disappointment that was 'The Bourne Legacy', I am pleased to announced that the winner of the poll was 'The Bourne Identity'. it received all of the votes.

The way I see it now, is that 'The Bourne Legacy' isn't a real Bourne film, it is merely in the same universe as the Bourne films (kind of like what 'Prometheus' was to 'Alien'). So do not let 'The Bourne Legacy' tarnish a great film series, because lets face it, before that film, there had never been a bad Bourne film. There are rumours that they are wanted Matt Damon to return for the next two films, which I don't think is a good idea, they tried with a sequel that nobody wanted, it hasn't worked (although quite a few people think its good, not sure how), they should just let it go and we can all forget about it.

Like how I've managed to drag out a fairly boring post and make it ever so slightly more interesting? Well I like wasting your time, and my own. I promise I'll think of something interesting to post next time.

Congratulations to 'The Bourne Identity', you are an awesome movie.

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