
Tuesday 31 July 2012

Possible Names For The Third Hobbit Film

Peter Jackson confirmed yesterday that he will in fact be making a third Hobbit movie. I know it seems a bit much to stretch out one book across three films, but when you listen to what he's saying, you understand what he's doing. Obviously he's keeping the people with the money happy because these films will make a fortune, and he is delving into arrears of the Hobbit that otherwise wouldn't ever make it to the big screen.

By this I mean that he has said that he is going to be using sources like The Silmarillion and the appendices to expand on certain aspects from the The Hobbit. Yes, it does seem like a big money making sceme, but I honestly don't mind. It is a well known fact that Peter Jackson loves Middle Earth and it is highly unlikely that he would do anything to offend Tolkien and his masterpiece creation.

So in Peter Jackson we must trust.

So what are these possible names you hear me speak of? Well Fusible has revealed that the company that's managing the existing URL's for 'The Hobbit' has purchased some new domain names. These are:

Obviously nothing is set in concrete at the moment and we cannot be sure what they're going to use these domains for. For all we know it could just be a new advertising campaign, or possible the domains for one or two new Hobbit based games.

But if within these domain names lies the name of the third part of the puzzle, then the movie will most likely be called either:

'The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug'


'The Hobbit: Riddles in the Dark'

I'm leaning more towards 'The Desolation of Smaug' because anyone who has read the book knows that the main riddle part will be happening in 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey'.

Let me know what you think. Possibly at the end of the week I will put up a poll to see which name you prefer, but I don't want to jump the gun. We could possibly be getting some more news about Middle Earth soon.

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