
Saturday 7 July 2012

Which Spider-Man Costume Is Better?

With the release of 'The Amazing Spider-Man' earlier this month, one of the main differences (apart from the cast) is the suit. Whereas Tobey Maquire's was very slick, and looks production made, Andrew Garfield's looks very home-made, and more loyal to certain comics, but one do you prefer?

Here's Tobey in the get up:

I love this costume, it's quite iconic, everyone knows it. To be honest I prefer this suit, even though the new one is more realistic.

And here's Garfield:

Like what I did there lol (that's weird I never use lol in blogs, weird).

So here's Andrew Garfield in the new costume:

Notice how the costume isn't as bright, it looks more home made, and the eyes are smaller, where Tobey's looks high quality, too high quality for someone who struggles with money across all three of his films, Andrew's looks like something that would be possible for a high school student to make (in the movie you see how).

Here's them together:

There a noticeable differences, mostly the design, but also in the new one, they didn't cover it with a separate layer of material made to look like web, it is just printed on.

Let me know what you think, is the new style better? Or does the retro look still reign supreme? 

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