
Friday 20 July 2012

Review of The Dark Knight Rises

'The Dark Knight Rises' is a 2012 superhero film directed by Christopher Nolan based on the DC Comics character Batman. The film stars Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Anne Hathaway, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It is the final in Nolan's Batman trilogy, the previous films being 'Batman Begins' (2005) and 'The Dark Knight' (2008). Now that we're past the boring introduction lets get right into reviewing this awesome film. This a spoiler free review.

So this film has a lot to live to, it is probably the most anticipated movie of the year and it has two very successful films to try and beat. Well I'm going to start by saying that it does it, it surpasses them. In fact it blows them out of the water. It just on so much of a larger scale than the other films, it is the perfect way to end the trilogy. Nothing is forgotten, it ties together all the films, as if they've both been building up to this massive event! The story is really well thought out, it uses the foundations of the previous films to set the scene and then it becomes its own film completely, it has links to the classic DC comics, along with modern realistic problems like terrorism, corruption and dealing with the loss of a loved one. The film is set eight years after the events of 'The Dark Knight', beginning on the eight year anniversary of the 'murder' of Harvey Dent. The city has recovered, crime is at an all time low, we know this even from the trailer, "it's peace time", but Bruce Wayne is a broken man after the death of his friend Rachel Dawes. He cannot move on, he refuses to live his life so he exiles himself from the world, traps himself in his manor, with his injury given to him by Two-Face. So the movie starts really well, the scene and mood is set, and the new main characters are introduced. It's surprisingly more darker than 'The Dark Knight', and more serious too. The story remains strong all the way through and the ending is brilliant, leaves us with no questions, just suspicions (well maybe a few questions). There are certain things that are taken directly from the comics which I love because it proves that they used the source material. If you are a fan of the comics, or the Arkham Asylum/City games, then you will probably work out parts of the story before other members of the audience do. Plus you will have a better understanding of the characters and plot. My only complaints with story is that it gets a bit slow in the middle, I understand why it does, and you will too, but for me I feel like it could have been done better, more could have have happened, but at the same time, they couldn't have done it any better (it's basically the perfect story and pacing).

Now the acting, Bale is brilliant as always, we really have a chance to see the Bruce Wayne side of his character develop. In 'The Dark Knight' it was more about the development of the Batman, whereas in this we see Bruce Wayne deal with his own problems, both mental and physical. The two characters have always been separate, but now we finally see that one cannot exist with the other, Bruce Wayne needs Batman, he can't let that side of him go. Anne Hathaway was surprisingly good as Catwoman. She was the one thing that I was really worried about when I first saw the trailer, because she doesn't normally play this kind of role, there's a reason why she is mostly casted as things like Princesses. Hats off to her though, she sold the character, in my opinion she's the best Catwoman. I never thought i would hear myself say that (or watch myself type it). The biggest change we see in a character has to be  Gary Oldman's Commissioner Gordon; this is a man who has rebuilt a city on a lie, it goes against everything that he stands for, and a man that he respects and believes in, has taken the fall for it. He still feels like there is a war going on, even in peace time. He is not the same person we've watched on screen since 2005. He tired of Gotham, tired of the corruption.

Tom Hardy reincarnates Bane in as big a way that Heath Ledger did with The Joker. This character is completely different to the fool we saw in 'Batman & Robin', he is intelligent, brutal and commanding. He is portrayed as a mercenary, this changes his origins from many of the comics, but in a good way, this way it is much more realistic, and awesome. They even manage to link Bane back to the first movie. Hardy's performance was really good, he moved and spoke with confidence, as if no one could move this man, he was solid. It is very difficult for an actor to act whilst covering their face; obviously we've all seen that Bane's face is mostly covered by his mask which makes it very difficult to see his expressions. Hardy acts with his voice and eyes, there is real emotion and belief in the way he speaks, and we see see the power in his eyes. Top notch performance, Tom Hardy was a perfect pick for the role and is easily the best actor in this film. He has something that no other villain in the trilogy has, the skill and the brute strength to take on Batman face to face (on top of that he is also intelligent, he isn't just a ruthless thug, he is cunning in a sinister way). One thing that was really worrying a lot of people was Bane's mask. When reviews came in from some early screening of Bane's introduction, there was a lot of complains about Bane's voice. Apparently people were having trouble understanding him, it was the same when the first trailer came out, but I have to say that I didn't have any trouble understanding him. Neither did my mates who saw the movie with me. There's perhaps one scene where he is slightly difficult to understand, and that's his speech in the arena. When some sneak footage was released of that scene it sparked the first worry because it didn't sound good at all. It's just the way the microphone amplifies his voice that makes it difficult to understand at first, but then it's fine once you get used to it. There is no point in the movie where you can' understand him.

A nice surprise was how important Joseph-Gordon-Levitt's character is. He plays John Blake, a young police officer whom Commissioner Gordon  takes a liking to (because he is a hot headed cop, Gordon sees part of his old self in Blake). You'd think he was just going to be a random cop who had a bit more to say than usual, but no, he is really important to the story and by the end you will see why. His acting is always outstanding and in this no exception.

There's not a lot about this film that I didn't like, like I said before it is basically the perfect movie, but I still prefer 'The Dark Knight', but I think that is just because I prefer The Joker as a character. What's really good about the story is that it is set out in a way that if Heath Ledger hadn't died, his character could easily have been slipped in. It would have made it a completely different movie though. I also like how they don't mention The Joker at all, out of respect for Heath Ledger. Pay close attention when watching this film, there are a few things in the background that will benefit any true Batman fans. There's also some pretty good smaller appearances (that's all I'm saying on that matter).

I also like how the film isn't completely action based, it isn't just 'The Avengers Assemble' with Batman. It is story driven, with some awesome fight scenes and car chases. I don't want to say much more because i don't want to give away anything by accident, but seriously, you will not be disappointed by this movie, no one will ever make a Batman trilogy as great at this. Apart from one or two nit-picky things, the movie ties up all its loose ends. It brings all the films together, showing them as one continuous journey an finishing on a high. The finally seen is really good, I can't wait to see peoples reaction to it when it all hits the internet.

Finally you have to see this movie in IMAX! The sound is incredible! Literally it is incredible, I have never heard anything like it before! There was one point where you could feel the floor shaking beneath your feet. It is what I imagined the scene from 'Star Trek' where they go into worp speed would have sounded like, only more intense. On that note the score is surprisingly original for the third film in a series. It manages to include the tones from the previous films, as well as giving itself its own unique sound.

In conclusion, 'The Dark Knight Rises' is an absolute must see. It has set a new bar for not just superhero films, but for films in general, because even though its a Batman movie, the films is about so much more than him, again, you'll understand what I mean once you have seen it. This film doesn't disappoint and has perfectly concluded one of the greatest trilogies ever made. I am going to give 'The Dark Knight Rises' a 9.5/10, if it wasn't for those nit-picky things that annoyed me and the slowness of the film in the middle then it would have gotten full marks.

Everybody must see this movie!


  1. Good review. I loved just about every second of this flick, mainly because of the epic, grand-scale it was set on the whole film. The three-hour time-limit may be a bit too much for some, but for me, I could have gone longer really. That my sound crazy but it's the truth.

  2. Thanks and your right it could have gona on so much longer, but for any that would have been too much. It saddens me that it's the final Batman film by Christopher Nolan :( What did you think of the ending?
